Tuesday, December 8, 2015


They say the best way to teach people is by telling a story and God know we in Africa are the best story tellers in the world it is in our genes, it is part of our socialization and a day is never complete without a session or two of such.

Fast forward, Kenya; we are masked by the media with stories that are in extreme effort build opinions and get us to focus and think about certain aspects as the power holders need be. I will say, nothing is free in the so called 'free media' who that pays the piper the saying goes and so true is the aftermath. 
What is the core problem?

I am an idiot or my understanding is wanting but I fail to comprehend certain issues under the sun. ISIS; The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria strange to note that both nations has/had legitimate recognized governments.
Do we a possible end to terror in the world?

Colonel Qaddafi of Libya Allah rest he soul in peace, He had a dream of a united Africa where oil will be traded in gold, He never woke from that dream. Keenly, I have read his green book, vision and mission the man had his people at heart. Tripoli, was beautiful a model city for Africa. Libyan people had food, a place to sleep, a vision and a reality may wish for and in the most dramatic and idiotic way traded that for 'Human Rights' of which I am yet to understand.

I recall the Siege of Tripoli when a distressed Qaddafi stood in the balcony of his house and pleaded with his people he bemoaned the fall of the great city as the world watched, sincerely we all failed the great people of Africa.
Our response, is it justified? a means to the end?

I will relent to say, in Africa we are led by power hungry, western cronies, idiots(Idi Amin), thieves, murderous, war mongers and the worst, deeply worst in the society. People led by money never by the need to develop and help their society. Leaders that pay tribute and homage to the private sector, who primitively privatize each and every public or state owned corporation and sell our children birth right to anyone with balls enough and corrupt to buy the nation.  

It bothers me more that each time we vote we does with our stomach rather than mind we are bribed with as little as half a US dollar and we trade away Five years. Yet, we are the first to yap of how the government is such and such yet we sold our rights to say and comment to the powers that be. Look around you, what does the government own?! Thika Super Highway funded by the Chinese government and Africa Developed Bank we owe them for the next 100 years! the standard gauge rail, loaned by a private Chinese Government and African development Bank, the education sector funded by the World Bank. What do we own as Kenya, Sweets made by Indians and the revenues sent back to India.
Where are the terrorISIS?!

Suffice to say, owning a company in the developed world is next to impossible yet we bend the laws everyday in the name of development. Qaddafi, a respected African elder felled by the bullet of a teenager he never begged for his life but quietly said his prayer urged his captors to ask for forgiveness and as the sun set that day none of the African vocal leaders starting with the one who raped a friends daughter and took a warm shower to wash off HIV/AID virus did say a thing. Soon I know they will come for another and another president and we will stand and watch like the fools we are.

I am no expert, but numerous sources suggest that Osama bin Laden, was a creation of the US and was of great help in the Iran-Iraq war and the Iraq-Soviet war through the Mujaheddin which later transformed into Al Qaeda and now has metamorphosed into ISIS the big bad brother. 
What is it that we fight for?!
Are we not capable of living in peace?!
What are Human Rights?!
What right do some have to dictate and regulate others?!
are we rogue by nature?!
Why so much war?!
What the role of NATO? Peace? War?
Who is in control of the world, government of the private sector?!
What is the game plan?

Learning is a continuous process and the brain is a muscle and for it not to waste we need to constantly engage all our faculties. What seems to be a wonder is that we know what is right and wrong be we choose to do what we want regardless. I am worried that each day as violence escalate, and the war cries are heard from each and every corner of the world that we might have our-self a third world war fought in each and every sphere. We the people in Africa will be at a great loss, when we get rich we always bank in Swiss, buy properties in mid east and go for holiday in the tropics yet most of Africa is in the tropics.