Monday, November 30, 2015

The Lil' Boy..

This One wish
To cry for the little boy till he laughs bravely
I wish I would make his today dawn brighter than yesterday
I wish I'd solve his puzzle of life and eliminate all his misery
my one wish

This one wish
To understand the lil boy, show him love and care
I wish I'd make him appreciate his being and believe he is no bother
I wish I'd make him believe in his dreams and successful destiny
My one wish

This one wish
to answer all questions of the lovely lil boy
I wish to be his listening ear and leaning shoulder
I wish to change him from a loser to a great achiever
my one wish

This one wish
of my heart to make another come true
not to see the present obstacles and difficulties
but to make life more jovial and meaningful to da lil boy
this one great wish.

Rain soaked Nairobi - El Ninoh

El Nino reminds me of 1996/1997, bare chest and in sandak flip-flop in the slopes of the elegant snow-capped Mt. Kenya. My cousins and I were ‘sliding’ – (‘Munyoowee’ we called it) on slopes and diving in the little rivers created by the heavy down pour without a care in the world, it drove Mama crazy and when she caught up with us in the dim-lit, smoke-filled little kitchen in the village of Gatuyaini, Nyeri County chilling cries would be heard ridges over, mind you, the very next day we would be on the very antics again! She would yell, hiss and puff with anger but we were too swift for her, God bless her! Green grass, too much water and loads of fun was all I can remember about that thing they called  ‘El nino’ and the presidential elections, we don’t talk much about them but the party with a symbolic ‘lantern’ was resoundingly defeated by the ‘Jogoo’ party and I had two months of school holiday!
Wading through...

We have little faith with our public institution to say the least don’t blame Kenyans for it, the institutions have relentlessly and emphatically failed us for the past five decades and when the Metrological department mentioned this phenomenon that has a Spanish name, I had faith that he trusted not what he said. For months they had sermonized how we need to build an ark but I am yet to see one.
There is a group of ‘Fat’ fingers housed in the government ‘lodge’ code named parliament and these #MPigs have for the longest period ever discussed and mitigated around disaster preparedness. Personally, I think the rot in the society is properly vested and portrayed in each ‘hog’ and with every possible means they mint and mince the public for each and every coin. Yes, I agree we need to be ready for the El Nino ‘thing’ – and thus the ‘El Nino Billions’.  So much was the hype that I imagined the wetlands of South C Estate would never need canoes again, but I guess the only deep pockets clogged are those of duty bears, clogged with ‘El-Nino billions’ as the rest of us get submerged in poverty and now sewage littered Nairobi waters. We talk too much as Kenyan, about the problem never the solution. In the Perception Corruption Index 2012, Kenya is ranked 139th out of 176 countries, pathetic right? This rich history spans the era of Jomo Kenyatta, Moi, Mwai and Uhuru. Did I mention ‘Kidero grass’ that was planted in plastic bags and later leased back to the owners till Pope’s visit… the narrative is no longer annoying just amusing in that one Ps Mangiti presented an audited budget to a committee sitting and days later disowns his own masterpiece. Don’t ask if we have an emergency fund, but the need to buy a 16 cylinder twin turbo monster supersedes that of a drowning middle aged lady in 

Syokimau, Nairobi. And the rains continue to pound. 
50 Million. That’s the amount set aside to unclog the drainage but surprisingly on my way home we drove in a river. Strangely rains water had decided to follow me home. If any work was done to improve drainage in Nairobi then it must have been done in the near future! I had to wade through dangerously accelerating waters to get to my house and the pit developing on the access road is on an epic deep and when I asked my local county representative he said the road isn’t my mothers’ and I agree, my grandparent faithful fought for independence but by the time the war ended its spoils had already been shared. They said I need to know my rights but what do I do with the knowledge?
My pedals, man...

I am yet to understand a modern ombrophobia phenomenon only Narobians exhibit, whenever a drop hits the ground we all get panic attacks and abandon whatever we are doing and jump into our cars and it’s a mad dash to try and get home, and by grace we turn the whole city into a parking lot! I guess Kenneth Kaunda was not speaking to us when he said a gentleman is never dictated by weather, and ladies too for gender equity and equality. As city residents slowly cruise into their nests in the leafy, well-manicured lawns and proper drained communities we the city dwellers claw slowly in the public transport marred by mayhem into shanty town that dot the city map. The resident complains of stomach ulcers caused by too much spices in their meals, as a dweller I sleep my stomach rumbling; I couldn’t make a meal: Mama Mboga Kiosk was swept away by the raging waters; El Nino is here with us.
Super WaterWay!

At 4am in the old rickety jalopy bus, heading to my station of work I reminisce of the cool morning, sunny days and predictable raining we had in the past. The good old times, when prices were reasonable and opportunities many but today whenever I turn with my degree papers they say ‘we are trimming’ the work force the new synonym of ‘Hakuna Kazi’. All we are left to do is hustle a term synonymous with working in a field we know nothing about, welcome to the ‘Jua Kali’ sector.

Whenever the sky turns black my heart is riddled with fear and worry, I am quite sure I will spend two dollars to get home, yet I make less than a dollar per day in a country where an elected member of parliament makes four hundred dollars in a day! How do I break even? Talk of equality! If only we get the political question right, Kenyan will prosper but for now I have to live with people who continually and religious rape and molest the dreams and aspiration of the Kenyan people the effects of hiring goons and thugs to lead this great nation we need redemption even El Nino cannot wash our misdeeds away!   

(Opinions are my own)

Don't put out my Light!

Lantern light...
My story began in the late eighties in the chilly and cold Aberdare Ranges in Central Province in Kenya. That Friday night it was too much for me to sit crouched in her belly and with the haste that is synonymous with boys I made for the exit at two in the damn morning! I vividly recall my sweet mum cursing under her breath each time she hugged me tightly soon after she would say; 'You are trouble but I love you so much' she was my god on earth and I did love her more than life.

Holy book says 'He grew, People and God loving Him' and so did I, so cold are the Ranges that the only way to survive is to constantly chew on something. I don't quite recall knowing my old man to this date, but like every boy I missed him so much.

Grazing in the Ranges...

Mary, that was the name of my mom. Sweet lady she was, so homely. I remember she set off to the city, without me. For a week I cried myself to sleep, inconsolable. I never understood how a loving mother could abandon her dear son like that, but my sweet grammy or Cucu took good care of. I was her little angel and she never let me out of her sight, I did enjoy to say the least I was well pampered. The only chore for the little boy was to shepherded her herd of cattle and sheep, which not only kept me busy but was paramount in building life skills that are important to this day.

I was enrolled in Ranges View Academy a private primary school, it offered the most epic view of the Aberdare Ranges and I do fondly remember spending hours on end staring at the magnificent graceful mountains that seemed so close yet so far!
Karuru Falls
 March, a cold rainy month. I hated it. Mr. Kamau, a friendly music teach whom I later on learnt was a distance Uncle (We African are all related one way or the other) sent for me, he patted me and in a voice of deep concern narrated how life is and must continue to be, having lived with my grandparents for years who were great story tellers I could not fathom where his was heading I brushed it aside. I remembered that evening I was shipped off to my Uncle's place and everyone seemed concerned and a darling to all affairs me. Confusing it was. I had learned from experience, especially after mama left  for the city on how to block and never pay attention to things that little me didn't comprehend. For the coming weeks I took my end of term papers, closed schools and rushed home to show my score card, I had performed and I was proud of me!

Lonely sunsets

For years, a young boy sat on the edge staring onto the horizon as the sun set dripping down into golden yellow beautiful evenings but I saw no beauty just the wish to go behind that very sun and meet my dearest mother. I still remember the first sound of the first lump of soil as it hit her casket as the pastor said the last words and two rivers burst in my face, a young lad said ' All will be well' and I thought how, how on earth without a mom. I cried for days on end, months and years and it later developed into stress and depression I gave up living.

school life...
Nothing quite stinks like being an orphan more so a boy, they promise you heaven but when a parent is finally laid to rest so are their promises. Promises made to lull the heart and seduce the soul at the end, they mean nothing. From home to house to another for eight eight years hustle and bustle through eight public schools in different localities at the end I lost the taste of life and the sense of belonging. I did learn little is enough and much should be saved for tomorrow for you never know when the day will be dark. I learnt to sit at the dark corners and talk to myself, to share secrets with my own self and to give my all to what I commit. Being an orphan is not a choice and never for the faint for a faint. 

Long way down...
You will be caught between deniable reality and dreamy moments, so much that the reality of a particular moment are hazy. Your feet will be heavy and soul empty eventually by grace or luck you develop the urge to survive in a world you were never meant to be part of. And down the unknown paths, with no guidance but with loads of judgement you trend learning by doing and knowing it hot when you are scorched but when sign of success show everyone will come dine and make merry with you.

Words, like an archers arrow once they leave your mouth there is no editing it might build or forever kill innocent souls. You might be pressed by your need and wants, never rush to promise don't let emotions make you say thing you can never fulfill, those little souls will hold you accountable they will be a constant reminder that though you have achieved you are a polite definition of failure to humanity. Success is contributing to the well-being of the society not self.

The worst poverty is that of the mind, the rest is never permanent.  

Friday, November 27, 2015

Githurai 45

This a place that need no introductions to but many just hold myths or granny stories about the area, let me give you a tour; I am a proud resident of the area (Yet to know the difference dweller/resident) but  let me mention that a few year back, sorry many years back, the place gave me the creeps but now its...

We have a population of 800,000, official estimate but in my experience we are more than a million and a half, the town never sleeps I know not the difference between night and day, the place is always bursting with activities. If you always whisper about 24 hour economy, please come experience and have a taste of it! 

Githurai 45 location is a bit foggy, trust me on these. It is at the border of two major counties; Nairobi the Capital city of Kenya and Kiambu, apparently the richest county in Kenya, half of Githurai 45 township is in Ruiru Constituency of Kiambu County while the other is divided into Kasarani and Roysambu Constituencies. Talk of County Wards, and confusion creeps in they are in three different constituencies! 
Fresh produce!
Githurai 45 is a hub of innovation, creativity and esurient use of each inch of space and is a constant sore to the eye. Fresh produce market is on for 24/4 each day of a calendar year! Our market is in a putrid condition yet we have County Government vehicles from either counties milling around everyday to collect levies yet they never collect the garbage, such a sorry state. 
Where is the county government?!
  Enough said, we are notoriously famous or infamous for our public transport. Yes, its quite something I have to say. But truth be told there is always two sides to a coin. What started up in the form of jalopy, beat down examples of buses has over years transformed into art, music and signature mode of transport.  What was characteristic rowdy youth has transformed into companies and Sacco that are professionally run, managed and controlled. Unified International Company, Managed by Mr Mureithi has been in the forefront of this metamorphosis. With disciplined crew, clean buses and customer oriented services  it always a pleasure to enjoy a ride to and from town.
Unified International Fleet.
 On the other hand we have the shakers, small but growing companies that with every inch of their design progressive showing a charm offensive aimed at the youthful clients. With, bold art, blaring  rambunctious music I am afraid, my hearts is too weak for that. I kindly envy but try never to ride in them. 
TMT of the Veteran Family. 
Like any normal society we have our social deviants, from young misguided fellows to those with long arms but with a strong security team everything is under tight control and I feel strongly safe in Githurai 45.  The strong believe in our security team and great confidence has continued to yield positive results, sometimes last year, a gentleman in the National Police Service credited with ending crime in the area with arrested for shooting a thug and for three days residents vehemently protested that decision.
Demos In Githurai 45
 In case you were wondering where we shop, we have around five major retail supermarkets with plans to build a mall underway. 'Wholesale' shops litter the township and commodities are relatively affordable compared to other areas in Kiambu and Nairobi counties. Rentals goes for as low as 800 kshs a month to around 50,000 kshs  for a five or six bedroom mansion.
Shopping Center.
I personally foresee better tiding for Githurai Township, but there is need to merge all it constituent wards into one to ensure there is better service delivery and the confusion in administration ends. You have been informed, we are not what you heard!

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Lust for Life.

I seriously do...

I love my life
Not that is good or better
not that I drive VX and Benz
Not because I walked out of a mansion this morning
Just because I wanna keep it

I love my life
My boots
my sweater
my swag or there lack of
I love my life, its awesome.

I love my life
A gun shot, a groan
a mothers cry
son gone, to soon
a swallow, not that I am lucky

I love my life
I wanna hustle
put food on my table
help my family
I want and need peace

I love my life
I saw the boy in blue
I retracted my step, changed the route
I wanna keep my life
I love my life

I love my life
it rain and pours, I wade through the mud
I select and chose
I negotiate and make deals
second hand from foreign land, resell

I love life
I choose to be me
I choose to accept that with a degree
I still can hustle in the backstreets
Not crime life, but clean cash

I love my life
I don't smile coz I am happy
I do coz of the merry hopes for a better tomorrow
I wanna build a future

I love life
don't shoot me coz youth are synonymous with crime
I work for my shit
it has taken me years to build
hard work, sweat, tears and pain

I love my life
I wanna make it better for everyone
promises, prayers, nut heads
at the end;

I love my life
not that its better than yours
but because I choose to belief in me
that everything is possible
dedication, hard work, being smart, calculated moves, less talk = success

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Wondering eyes...

Yes my wondering eyes never cease
each time they slide along without my permission
here, there to and from
they look, I check out.
they said it is never mailed till the package is perfect
cleavage and big butt,
clever eyes,
beautiful round lips,
small talk,
bold whispers,
empty promises,
yellow skin,
confused mind,
the big and bold,
the better.
Addictive, attractive too.

My wondering eyes and salivating mouth
they never covered that food yet am not to touch
eyes dart, questions asked
I dig in!
Short short skirt
little top
all skin back 
tight trousers
revealing garment
heeled shoes
bouncy back
itchy hands
dry mouths
wipe it off, couple of lies
dangerous, consummating

My wondering eye, my soft hands
trouble finds me
I run
it all over
its a trend 
its a culture
a representation
Its our casket
I love all things fashion
self taught, renovated
My wondering eyes, WILL KILL ME!