Thursday, November 26, 2015

Lust for Life.

I seriously do...

I love my life
Not that is good or better
not that I drive VX and Benz
Not because I walked out of a mansion this morning
Just because I wanna keep it

I love my life
My boots
my sweater
my swag or there lack of
I love my life, its awesome.

I love my life
A gun shot, a groan
a mothers cry
son gone, to soon
a swallow, not that I am lucky

I love my life
I wanna hustle
put food on my table
help my family
I want and need peace

I love my life
I saw the boy in blue
I retracted my step, changed the route
I wanna keep my life
I love my life

I love my life
it rain and pours, I wade through the mud
I select and chose
I negotiate and make deals
second hand from foreign land, resell

I love life
I choose to be me
I choose to accept that with a degree
I still can hustle in the backstreets
Not crime life, but clean cash

I love my life
I don't smile coz I am happy
I do coz of the merry hopes for a better tomorrow
I wanna build a future

I love life
don't shoot me coz youth are synonymous with crime
I work for my shit
it has taken me years to build
hard work, sweat, tears and pain

I love my life
I wanna make it better for everyone
promises, prayers, nut heads
at the end;

I love my life
not that its better than yours
but because I choose to belief in me
that everything is possible
dedication, hard work, being smart, calculated moves, less talk = success

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